Health Challenge

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When you see us offering the next challenge, try it… for 30 days (or 21 in some cases)!  30 days…one month…a small time commitment for the beginning of a lifetime of health!  30 days to see if eliminating possible food addictions, food allergies, gut-damaging foods makes you look, feel and perform better…doesn’t sound that hard, right?    Every year, multiple times, we “launch” into  structured Challenges here at our gym, but if you want to try it yourself, all you need is a little time to plan, a guideline from which to plan your meals, some support, and the desire to be as healthy as possible

During the last tally, which was…oh gosh…2018? So 6 years ago? eek!, we have worked with over 600 people through Paleo-ish and Health Challenges. That’s a lot of practical experience! If you’ve never been overweight, or too thin, weak or frail, or had trouble adhering to a diet or exercise routine, it’s hard to coach up someone who has.  



  1. Sign up.  Complete the application.
  2. Pay the nominal fee.
  3. Attend the kick-off seminar.
  4. You’ll be assigned a coach.
  5. Get measured: Optional body comps.
  6. Do your best throughout the month – use your coach and our resources for support.
  7. Use the  “EAT THIS (80%)” and “USE CAUTION EATING THIS (20%)” lists in the Resources section. 
  8. Have Questions?
    • About the way the challenge works? Attend the meeting.
    • About what to eat and how much? Attend the meeting
    • About which foods are carbs and fats? See EAT THIS and USE CAUTION WITH THAT above or meet your new friends: and
    • There will be a new FB group just for the challenges.

As always, we’ll have copies of the documents above at the gym.


Saturday, October 19th, 2024


Sunday, October 20th through Thursday, October 31st. 


  • Optional circumference testing – schedule individually with Sam.
    • No body composition testing for this challenge.

START DATE: Friday, November 1st

END DATE: Thursday, November 21st


  • $50.00 to enter.
  • The Pre-Challenge Questionnaire is required to participate.  It helps us gather data on the savviness of our athletes and helps organize goals and troubleshoot challenges. The questionnaire is only 5 pages- you can do it! 
  • You get:
    • 21 days to apply solid healthy lifestyle principles to help kick off new lifestyle habits
    • INFORMATION – no fads, just facts.
    • Daily, weekly education and information at the gym, on the blog, and in the FB group.
    • Private FB group for support, guidance and check ins
    • Point-based leaderboard with weekly updates done by us.
    • The winner, based on points, 
  • A point system based on our foundations of health (in order of importance) where participants earn points in the following categories that we believe create robust health:
      1. Sleep – 1 point per day for 7 + hours per day
      2. Diet – 1 point per day for adhereing to our food list.  Goals of consuming adequate protein, adequate starch (to support performance), non-starchy vegetables for nutrient density, and water for hydration. No added sugar and no booze on this challenge with the exceptions as noted within the challenge calendar. 
      3. Training/Physical Activity
        • up to 3 points a week for training in class
        • up to 4 points a week for additional “physical activity” of 20 minutes
        • up to 7 points a day for evening walk of 10 minutes after dinner
      4.  Hydration
        • up to 7 points a day for consuming 64 oz per day of water or unsweetened tea
      5. Bonus points from the daily blog post.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.