Let’s chat about macronutrients, or “macros” for short. Macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates and fat.
A quick Google search brings up this very basic definition…and this is something that we all should have gotten in high school health class…if they even still require “health” class.
plural noun: macronutrients
- a substance required in relatively large amounts by living organisms, in particular.
- a type of food (e.g., fat, protein, carbohydrate) required in large amounts in the human diet.
- a chemical element (e.g., potassium, magnesium, calcium) required in large amounts for plant growth and development.
- The three macronutrients are PROTEIN, FAT & CARBOHYDRATE.

We’ll do more on macronutrient amounts later, but for now, let’s focus on these whole food macros: proteins mostly from animal sources; fats from nuts, oils, seeds, and avocados and olives…both of which are actually fruits I think; carbohydrates from plants (vegetables, roots and tubers). Simple…I know – boring. But let’s start at the ground and build up a good foundation!
We’re going to focus solely on whole food here. Like…one ingredient foods. Yes, canned tomatoes make it a lot easier to make tomato sauce or chili…I’m not dissing canned tomatoes because they have two ingredients (tomatoes and salt)…rather I’m trying to point out how much of our diets and our food supply are riddled with added ingredients that are neither necessary or healthy when there is a more nutritious option in it’s natural form – convenience is one things – healthy is another.
Hang in there…no, it’s not easy getting on this band wagon, but the ride is a good one and destination is even better:
Welcome to the land of no disease and ideal bodyweight where everyone is strong and fit and lives for a long time independently!
The tracking of macronutrients has been around for a very long time. In addition to explaining the basics of the 3 macronutrients here, we will also touch on “ micro– nutrient” tracking – also great for your health.
plural noun: micronutrients
- a chemical element or substance required in trace amounts for the normal growth and development of living organisms.
- Vitamins & minerals
Your job would be to choose the right macronutrients so that you’re providing your body with enough micronutrients. UGH. We really shouldn’t have to think about this: food -> nourishment ->happy healthy life. But sometimes we do have to put some energy in it because “food” isn’t what it used to be.
Knowing that macro-composition you need for YOUR body composition and health makes you kind of “elite”…if you know how much protein, carbohydrate and fat you need to maintain your ideal body weight, keep your body healthy (your blood markers are good and your look, feel and perform your best) and thrive. Your diet is the foundation for your health. The macronutrients in your diet will convert to calories from each macronutrient, and finally total calories ingested. So, when someone is talking about macros, they’re talking about calories – and vice versa. Don’t ever let someone tell you they don’t track calories because they do “macros” – it’s the same thing and just math.

- any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies.
Protein typically comes from animal sources: meat, fowl (birds), pork, seafood, and dairy. Protein is often associated with building muscle, but it is also the core component of organs, bones, hair, enzymes, and pretty much all other types of tissue in your body require protein to function.
Protein is essential. You cannot survive without protein.
The origin of the word protein means primary or first …think of it as of utmost importance in your diet. In fact, dietary protein (animal based) take the most effort to digest– so it’s prudent to learn to eat it first at every meal – versus the salad.
Proteins are made of amino acids, many of which the body can make itself. However, there are nine amino acids that are required for normal body function that your body can’t make on it’s own. These 9 amino acids are termed essential amino acids, and the full nine can be found from all meat sources. Unfortunately, it’s rare to find the full nine in plants, including legumes and grains, so which makes them a less desirable source of primary protein.
You get all of the essential amino acids from animal and mammal sources. You can get “some” amino acids but not all of them from grains, beans, legumes and some vegetables, but in much smaller numbers. For example, it would take 12 cups of broccoli to equal the protein in one chicken 5 oz chicken breast – and that protein isn’t as bioavailable (meaning your body doesn’t absorb and utilize it the same way it can protein from animal sources. Combining vegetables to create a complete protein with the full profile of amino acids is possible, just takes some work.

- any of a large group of organic compounds that includes sugars, starch, and cellulose, containing hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water (2:1) and used as structural materials and for energy storage within living tissues.
Carbohydrate is typically derived from plants (although there is carbohydrate in some animal products – dairy, for example). They are a source of energy for your body. Your digestive system changes carbohydrate into glucose (blood sugar). Your body uses this for energy for your cells, tissues and organs.
In biochemistry, carbohydrate is often referred to as a saccharide, a group that includes sugars, starch, and cellulose.
Carbohydrates are the only macronutrient your body can actually survive without! Protein and fat are essential for life, but not carbohydrate. However, many of the micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) for a healthy life come from carbohydrate. People often think of “carbs” as only starches – but actually, potatoes and rice and grains are vegetables, just starchy ones, and they are carbohydrates. Non -starchy vegetable like cucumbers and lettuce are also carbohydrates. Fruits – yep, carbohydrates. So carbs are a big, diverse group of macronutrients!
Carbohydrate is your body’s most easily accessible source of energy as it is quickly digested and metabolized into glycogen and glucose.Glucose can be rapidly metabolized to produce energy. It can be carried in your bloodstream and serves as a primary energy source….hello short fast conditioning session at the gym.
Glycogen is a large storage molecule for extra glucose, just as starch is the storage form in plants. Your liver and muscles synthesize glycogen and act as your main storehouses. Your glycogen stores can be broken down again to glucose for energy if necessary, and they can also provide structural support in various tissues in your body. I like to look at glycogen as “stored glucose” for future energy.
Carbohydrates are not bad, contrary to all the interweb/social/youtube messaging you see. But intakes levels are very individual and should be based on your genetics, your health, and your activity level. Starches, particularly, should be dosed commensurate to your activity level.

fat/ noun
- a natural oily or greasy substance occurring in animal bodies, especially when deposited as a layer under the skin or around certain organs.
All plants contain oils (ex. olive oil) or fats (ex. cocoa butter) and mainly in their seeds. So, some plants are good sources of fat:
- Olives (olive oil)
- Coconut
- Avocado
- Nuts
- Seeds
Most animals contain fat as well, stored in and around the muscle and organ tissue we consume.
Fat is essential for life and is very important in normal body functions, acting as the backbone to important hormones, insulation for nerves, skin and hair health.
There are various types of fats from saturated to monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fats. Omega 3 fatty acids are known to be health promoting and Omega 6’s (in high concentration) and Trans-fats are known to be detrimental to health. But don’t bug out yet, stick to natural & Paleo sources and you’ll be fine!
Here is what 20 grams of fat looks like, just for kicks.

While macronutrients (“macros”) are the topic of discussion here, micronutrients (“micros”) are equally as important. Micros are vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, etc. that come from our macronutrients…plus sunshine (Vitamin D). Fresh air and water should be in there somewhere too.
Some macronutrients have more micronutrients than others. For example, white rice is a carbohydrate and has a very low nutrient profile. 1 cup is about 50 grams of pretty much empty starch….low nutrient content. However, continuing with the starch line of thinking, 1 cup of mashed sweet potatoes is also around 50 grams of carbohydrate, but from a micronutrient standpoint, it completely trumps the rice! Take a look at both below – the first image is 1 cup of white rice. The second image is 1 cup of sweet potatoes.
I’m not saying that you should never eat white rice – on the contrary – flavor, and a quick energy source – we eat a lot of white rice. I might choose that over a sweet potato if I was running a 5K for time…less fiber, quicker digesting…there’s a place for almost all whole foods in our diets.

Rounding things out there – understanding which macronutrient group(s) you’re eating from and why is kind of a good things in our modern world of man-made foods. You almost cannot go wrong selecting whole foods from natural sources. You’ll be healthier for sure, and it surely simplifies trying to “read labels”! 🙄
I know, we’re talking macros, not micros…but there’s a lesson here. You need a balance. You can’t survive…well maybe, for a while you’d survive (disease free), but you cannot thrive on boxed food, Krispy Kreme, ice cream, crackers and grains. Nope, not gonna happen. This is about health first, and then everything else (performance, body composition, etc.). I don’t think any of you want to have a 6 pack and diabetes, or pecs like Arnold and heart disease. Point made, moving on!
You also don’t want to live on supplements. I’d be interested to learn how much Americans used to spend on food (say 20-50 years ago), and today, how much they spend separately on food + supplements. I know people who claim they’re healthy but can’t live without their probiotic pearls every day. If you’re healthy, your gut is healthy, your heart is healthy, your metabolism is healthy…goal: get back to healthy through food!
So those are Macronutrients: Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate. Soon we’ll talk about why we would want to track them (or not!) – by percentage, or gram, and what our goals for tracking are.
Evenutally, we’ll review the formulas for determining the numbers you need in order to track your macros. Not everyone needs to. It’s a “dialing in of your nutrition”. Get the basics down first, then when you feel the need to “tweak things”, try tracking.
*Challenge Participants: There is no bonus question on today’s post.