Category: Nutrition

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A Logical Framework for YOUR Diet

A Logical Framework for YOUR Diet

Food for Thought The Ancestral Diet is a logical framework applied to modern humans — not a historical reenactment.  ~Andrew Badenoch Chew on this.  How many times do you or have you thought:  Is this Paleo? I know – “Paleo is so “passé”. Is it? Or did we just need something new to call it...

The Poop Post

The Poop Post

Poop is very important! Regularity is a good thing. And guess what one of the most common culprits of irregular poops is? YOUR DIET! Second most common culprit? BEING SEDENTARY. Sorry – just facts. Sure, medications play a part – but if you eat right and move more, you may be able to get off...

How Much Should I Eat

How Much Should I Eat

This is always a touchy subject. And it IS very individual, but in almost every industry we have templates, or wireframes,  or guidelines from which we create more personalized plans or programs. Think about physical therapy (because that’s Ed’s industry) – when he would see an ACL reconstruction, he had protocols he followed that advanced...

Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition

Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition

We’re moving this up the ladder of priorities because we’ve had a lot of questions. For the average Joe, this topic has just a small place in their life, if any. But you are not the average Joe. You are over the age of 55 (if you’re a member of our gym), and one of...



Let’s chat about macronutrients, or “macros” for short. Macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates and fat. A quick Google search brings up this very basic definition…and this is something that we all should have gotten in high school health class…if they even still require “health” class. mac·ro·nu·tri·ent makrōˈn(y)o͞otrēənt/ noun BIOLOGY plural noun: macronutrients a substance required in relatively...

Meal Planning

Meal Planning

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. ~Ben Franklin   PLANNING…it’s unfortunate that our lives have become so busy that “having a schedule” has such a negative connotation to some. It’s a part of my personality and who I am, and I’m criticized by many people very close to me that it’s...

When Did We Get So Lazy?

When Did We Get So Lazy?

No, not physical activity lazy, although THAT’S a whole other topic. I mean mentally lazy regarding our food. I so often hear things that just make my ears hurt. “But it says it’s a protein bar” “It’s heart healthy” (what does THAT even mean?) “LOW FAT” (but what kind of fat? and how low? and...

The Most Basic Nutrition Info: Learn it!

The Most Basic Nutrition Info: Learn it!

It’s November as I write this. The weather is finally a little less humid here in Florida, and we can sense fall barreling down the tunnel. There are about two months until the end of the year….until 2022. I don’t know about you but I feel some anxiety of all the things I needed and...