Year: 2021

Home / 2021
Shut The Door!

Shut The Door!

It happened. An athlete asked me a question I felt myself backing away and shutting the door on them. Gulp! No, double gulp! It wasn’t intentional, but there are steps to accomplish any goal. Want to do a pull up? We first have to develop general integrity of the shoulder, then strength in all the...

The Most Basic Nutrition Info: Learn it!

The Most Basic Nutrition Info: Learn it!

It’s November as I write this. The weather is finally a little less humid here in Florida, and we can sense fall barreling down the tunnel. There are about two months until the end of the year….until 2022. I don’t know about you but I feel some anxiety of all the things I needed and...

New Projects = Tough Love

New Projects = Tough Love

Our new project is a CrossFit gym for ages 55+! Many might think “why”? I think “why not?…are you kidding”…there’s more need there!” There’s more need from a fitness perspective, and there’s DEFINITELY more need from a diet perspective. Although the Baby Boomer Generation and the prior Greatest and Silent Generations we train actually have...



Wanted to introduce myself and tell you how I might inspire, educate or motivate you to get your life on track: health, fitness, happiness….need help here? Soon I’ll be a posting fool! Currently snagged up by the interwebs and my lack of ability in IT…sourcing the webdude extraordinaire for help and we’ll up and running...