This post is a re-post from a past challenge on the same topic, and ED WROTE IT! We called him “Mouth” at Rebels, but he earned the nickname from our first CrossFit gym in St. Pete where the owners quickly learned Ed had a gift of gab and didn’t like a quiet gym! So when we...
Category: General
End of Treatment Update: Onward and Upward
Ed’s Birthday and a special opportunity for a picture Hello world! We’re getting ready to re-enter the real world… Other than all things “hair”, life is returning to normal. We are done with treatment – no more appointments! We can get back to work, life, and some normalcy. Since I posted last, Ed and I...
How to Find a CrossFit Gym
Your first question should be “Why would I want to?”. That part’s easy. It is the best, completely comprehensive, and “proven” program for functional fitness around. It’s so simple it’s easy for the critics to poke at. But it works. It’s not flashy – but it is – “3, 2, 1, Go!? Come on! It’s...
Shut The Door!
It happened. An athlete asked me a question I felt myself backing away and shutting the door on them. Gulp! No, double gulp! It wasn’t intentional, but there are steps to accomplish any goal. Want to do a pull up? We first have to develop general integrity of the shoulder, then strength in all the...
New Projects = Tough Love
Our new project is a CrossFit gym for ages 55+! Many might think “why”? I think “why not?…are you kidding”…there’s more need there!” There’s more need from a fitness perspective, and there’s DEFINITELY more need from a diet perspective. Although the Baby Boomer Generation and the prior Greatest and Silent Generations we train actually have...
Wanted to introduce myself and tell you how I might inspire, educate or motivate you to get your life on track: health, fitness, happiness….need help here? Soon I’ll be a posting fool! Currently snagged up by the interwebs and my lack of ability in IT…sourcing the webdude extraordinaire for help and we’ll up and running...